Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, Sunday, Lazy Sunday

Sunday, Sunday .... musical theme is running through my brain as I sit here in the RV while Grandpa has a nap .. poor soul is having allergy problems and the Tri-City Winds are doing their best to wake him up.

Had a very busy last few days .. so even us Senior-aged humans are prone to being worn out.  The Bible states that Sunday is a Day of Rest ... or R & R ... so we are good !

Feeling good .. a short walk for Petunia the Chi and me is only circling the RV Park .. a very short walk .. the way the wind is blowing we did not want to do our 'walk around the circle of six ball fields here at TRAC in Pasco.

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday were busy days with a Forum Football Game in celebration of Santino's 6th Birthday topped off the day.  It was good to see Christina & family, Uncle & Aunt from North of here, and Cindy & family,  ... so much more fun since the Fevers won their game Friday night !

Well, best hush and see about another cup of Peppermint Tea using the Teaopia method.
Love, Grandma Marji & Grandpa David

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday, 27 April 2013

This morning was going through the calendar for 2007 as to when I had medical procedures when I saw in the Christmas letter that I had started a Blog and the name of it ..

So decided to update the Blog and perhaps to use this means to stay in contact with our extended family members .

And decided that I would start by reminiscing about our lives as young married couple living in the Tri-Cities in 1960s & 1970s.

Looks like the Government Budget Cuts/Furloughs-impacted procedures are really, really affecting the recreational options of Americans across this Land. 

 We are still not sure when we will start volunteering at Ice Harbor Dam as the US Army Corps of Engineers Volunteer Ranger has emailed us that they still do not have firm dates and budgets in place.

AND in our driving around the Tri-Cities we see posters advertising "Furlough Loans Available" .. When we were young and had our families to raise, we heard of ROFs (Reduction of Forces) Layoffs .. and VROF - Voluntary Reduction of Forces which allowed those who could or had another job, to take a Voluntary Leave, thus allowing their co-workers to keep their jobs.  ROFs could get unemployment benefits, VROFs could not.

Then there were Union Contract Strikes .. whenever HAMTAC (Hanford Atomic Metals Trade Council) All Unions Reps and Contractors would negotiate for a new yearly contracts - if the Unions voted to not accept the new contracts, then we had Hanford-wide Union Strikes ! 

These Strikes would affect all our jobs as our jobs depended on Hanford Project continuing to function and to do required Union Workers (or so they thought).  So when Hanford-Wide Union Strikes happened, many on the Hanford Project who were non-union workers lost their jobs.  

And those who were willing to cross the Picket Lines would go to work in vans or station wagons with as many as they could get in the vehicles.  Now this would be known as Carpooling.  And this was before Carpooling was even heard, but then it was done for Safety reasons, and for 'protection in numbers' .. even then some men were 'roughed up' or their car tires were slashed. And along with all this some upper management would stay at their posts 24/7 or rotate off/on ..

Can you even imagine the consequences of such actions now ?  Talk about Internet Clogging now with massive disasters, or a political affair !  

BTW political lives issues were not even talked, discussed, or mentioned in the news media in the 1960s .. not until the Kennedy auto accident which left one person dead.

Well it is time to begin the day ... Shalom.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Post-Christmas Musings

Here it is Sat., Dec. 29 and after a breakfast of French Toast, eggs, sausage, coffee and orange juice we are ready to start the day. At this RV park one can go into the clubhouse on Saturday and for a nominal charge have a nourishing breakfast and socialize. There is also a large screen TV for those who wish to watch TV.

Wow - Social Security gave us a 2% increase to cope with rising costs! What a Christmas gift! Anyone out there think the cost of living has risen only 2%.

And would you believe that the weatherman has been wrong three days in a row? Yes, no freezing fog or snow here in the wintering grounds as the regional American Indians referred to this area. It was 30 degrees last night at the lowest temp and possibly be in the 40s this afternoon. Now we have January to look forward to.

Christmas Eve at Jo & Chris' then Christmas Day at Renee's place. This year we saw Christmas from an eight year old granddaughter plus an 8 month old grandson. Many, many gifts were shared, and among ours was a web cam, Cinema gift card, neck scarves, patio spinners, and Dairy Queen gift card. No Christmas Eve services at the church of Marji's choice this year, but the Christmas Eve/Children's program was good .. a lot of Christmas carols sung plus a short message went along with choirs and a very short pageant.

One of the Resolutions this year will be to activate hobbies in our lives .. too much TV for these senior citizens .. when one memorizes the TV listings then it is time to change! Also activating is the key .. hobbies in which to get the body and mind moving doesn't include computer games or forums (or blogs for that matter).

Well, best get the move on for the "stuff" that needs to be done or finished today.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Finishing Christmas letters .. and off in the mail

Today being the 11th of December, it best be the day we finish our Christmas Newsletters and Notes and get them off in the mail on or before Thursday. It seems nowadays our life is so busy what with local family has their needs as well as Hubby's part-time work schedule.

Granddaughter and Daughter's birthdays/Christmas gifts was taking several rolls of film to Wal-Mart for developing. There is the option of smaller size picture which can be developed and then those which are needed to be put on the computer can be scanned into the photo program. Sure beats making copies for family, etc. With their permission any of their pictues can be added to our family web album. Hopefully within the next year we can talk other family members into setting up a webalbum and that way we can see what other famiy members are doing.

The webcam came in the mail today .. now this will be another challenge to this senior citizen's brain cells to learn how to "talk" over the internet. It may be the first of the year before I learn this one. It took me a week to lean how to create a blog plus a web photo album. Just do not expect me to learn all the language the younger generation uses. Coming up to speed with the digital camera plus the computer program plus now the web album has been quite a leap for me.

Here abouts most of the family is cutting way back on their Christmas spending this year. It doesn't seem to be any one thing .. it just seems to be the tide of the times. Maybe after the first of the year we can get another picture taken of just us and give our children and significant relation.

Yesterday was a sunny-bright day and today we woke to a dreary-snow-threatenting day .. but it sure beats living in Oklahoma or KCM (Kansas City, Missouri) as they are having ice storms .. reminded us of being in Georgia the end of January 2005. Having lived thru such a tremendous onslaught of Mother Nature as what the people are experiencing now - well, let's just say that it puts another slant on what it feels like. One newscaster said that it was pretty when the sun shone .. I sure don't recall any beauty in having the vehicle encased in ice so thick that the key would not go into the door lock! And walking was treachorous .. and the sound of tree limbs breaking and falling .. some experiences in life do not have to be repeated .. at least on purpose.

Well, best get myself around and get ready to run errands when hubby gets in from work. Shalom.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Decorations are Up Outside!

Today we finally rounded up the Christmas boxes from storage and have the lights strung in the rv lot tree, and the small lighted candy canes encircle the tree. Need more lights, but alas, what else is new. Since the manager's house is all decked out with lights, lights and more lights, it is impossible to outshine them.

Renee has her table tree up and is slowly being decorated. The enry way up to the apartment is decked out with many strings of colored lights. Combine two households of decorations creates an amazement of colors! Bubba is too young to understand Christmas, so he is just fascinated by the lights and music. TC has a list of electronics as I am sure Conner does also, hopefully Mahri is still young enuff to be into toys, etc. Haven't heard from the other families as to their children's Christmas lists as of yet.

It is still raining however it is not too bad without the wind. The weather is really, really weird this year, Dec. 1 at noon it was 30 degrees, next day at noon it was 45 degrees, the 3rd it was 66 degrees, the 4th it was 65 degrees , then at noon on the 5th it was 55 degrees, followed by today at noon it was 37 degrees. Looks like our warm spell is gone and we are back into winter.
Time to say night night as we have an early morning babysitting Grandchild Bubba tomorrow.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

24 Days Until Christmas Eve

Here we sit with the second snow of the season melted .. Christmas lights string ready to put on the bare tree outside our door. Indoor green swag purchased, lights, and ready for hubby to get the Christmas decorations box out of storage.

Worked on annual holiday letter today .. will tackle it again tomorrow .. usually takes me about a week to create/edit until it is where we want it to be. Really getting ready to read others' letters as in this busy life it seems to be the only way to find out how our friends and extended family are. Ever notice how much faster your friends and extended familys' children grow than your own?

I am sure in the archives of television holiday movies there is no way that they can possibly schedule them all in over the holidays. But they sure give it the old college try don't they?

Oh, forgot there is one decided advantage to this snow and slush - Petunia the chi's potty walks are sure fast .. nose around, then squat .. in fair weather it is a journey to be taken in no less than 30 minutes, not sure in winter .. 20 seconds!

Hope all who read my blog are having a very joyous weekend and have plans for great time during the weeks ahead. Shalom

Monday, November 26, 2007

Novemberf 26, 2007

Pasco, Washington - Here I am sitting in an RV while it is snowing outside .. looks like winter has taken ahold but good .. have Christmas decorations for both inside and outside .. I wish it had held off on the snow for a few more days. We are home all in one piece, not one of those who ended up in the median upside down! The roads are slick, and with the first snow many learn how to drive in snow covered roads, some the hard way .. quicks stops and upside down.

Sunday was the birthday party for TC, Aunt Jo and Uncle Chris were there, Step-Mom Angie, Doreen, and Grandma Marji were there complete with TC's friends, and cousins. Aunt Jo made the cake and it was very good, we even had ice cream, but the highlight of the afternoon was the fact that with the help of Angie, it was a complete surprise.

Just wish David didn't work so much .. he works tomorrow and it should not be one of the laid-back trips with all this snow here .. we know there will be lots and lots of snow in Spokane. He has his bad weather satchel packed and ready to go as well as his heavy coat, etc. Just hope he doesn't need his bad weather satchel contents this winter. It includes a set of insulated overalls and heavy gloves as well as hand warmers.

Bills paid, groceries purchased, Holiday decorations gotten, propane tanks filled, water lines are insulated plus anti-freeze tape is wrapped around them, we are in a secure and safe rv park, can afford our site rent, and are ready for winter. We are warm, cupboards have groceries, freezer is full as well as the refrigerator, and we have a home to live in .. guess not a bad life afterall. Oh, and we have our 8 lb guard dog with us .. look out Petunia is all noise and no punch! She barks just to make sure you all see her down there.

Best wishes to everyone this holiday season! Hug someone you love, tomorrow may be too late.